Can You Use a Steam Mop on Laminate Floors? 4 Steps

Cleaning the laminate flooring is not the same as cleaning the regular ceramic tiles. With the laminate flooring, it is easy for you to damage the floors when you expose them to moisture. You can warp the planks on the laminate flooring when you use too much water during cleaning.

It’s also the same when you use the steam mop. It has the potential to damage the floors when you expose it to hot temperature and moisture, which is the reason not to clean the laminate flooring using the steam mop or steam cleaner machine. But, is there any way around it? This guide will provide the important information you need to know to use the steam mop on laminate floors.

It’s Not Recommended to Use a Steam Mop on Laminate Flooring, But You Can Still Do It

Because of the delicate nature of the laminate flooring, using a steam mop to clean it is not preferable. There are still other methods to clean laminate floors. However, you can still use a steam mop on it, provided that you use it with caution. There are certain reasons for you not to use the steam mop on this type of flooring.

Here are the reasons it’s not recommended for you to use a steam mop on laminate flooring:

  • The high temperature and moisture will damage the flooring, which is often irreparable.
  • Once damaged, you need to replace the floors, as you can’t just repair it and make it look good again.
  • Too much exposure to steam can make the laminate floors produce discolouration effects.
  • Warping can happen when you put too much steam and high temperature on laminate floors.
  • Using the wrong cleaning solution can also make the laminate floors look dull and bad.

These reasons should be enough to give you an understanding of why it’s preferable for you not to use the steam mop for laminate flooring. But again, you can still use the steam mop if you follow the precautions.

Precautions When Using a Steam Mop on Laminate Floors

There are some precautions that you need to pay attention to when using a steam mop on laminate floors. This is necessary to avoid any damages or any other effects like discolouration on the flooring. Yes, it’s possible for you to use the steam mop without damaging the laminate floors. So, keep these precautions in mind.

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Here are the precautions you need to follow when using a steam mop on laminate floors:

  • Don’t use the steam mop too often. You need to use the steam mop only when necessary or once in a while. Again, exposing your laminate flooring to steam for too much can damage the floors.
  • Use the lowest heat setting. You can’t use the high or medium heat setting when you use the steam mop on the laminate flooring. Laminate flooring is very delicate and can get damaged when exposed to high temperatures.
  • Don’t stop at a particular spot for too long. You need to mop the floor with the steam mop with quick movements and avoid stopping at a particular spot for too long with the heat on. It can cause potentially permanent damage to that spot.
  • Vacuum the floor before steaming. It’s important to vacuum the floor before steaming to get rid of the dust and debris around the flooring. It will also help you smooth the process during the steam mopping session.
  • Make sure that the steam mop is clean. Check your steam mop before mopping the laminate floors to ensure that everything is clean. Check also the cleanliness of the filter and the mopping cloth or microfiber to avoid dirtying the floor while mopping.

Steaming the laminate floors can provide you with the benefits of adding shininess to your floor and making it look new. However, you need to use the steam mop with extra caution to avoid damaging the floors in the cleaning process.

The Best Tips to Clean Laminate Flooring

Steaming the laminate floors, although you can do it, is not a good long-term method to clean this type of flooring. Yes, it’s good to make the floors look sparkling and fresh, but when you do it too much, steaming can damage or at the very least discolour your laminate floors. The laminate flooring needs special care, as it is a delicate type of flooring unlike the regular ceramic tiles or the sturdy marble and another stone-based flooring.

Here are the best tips to clean laminate flooring:

  • For daily cleaning, it is better to sweep or vacuum the floors to clean it from dirt, dust, and debris.
  • For cleaning the stains, you need to use a damp cloth to blot out the stains as soon as possible.
  • You can clean the oil-based stains with the nail polish remover, and you also need to clean them as soon as possible.
  • There are some cleaning products you can use for laminate floors, so use only the cleaning products suitable for this type of flooring.
  • Don’t use too much water along with soap and detergent to clean the laminate floors, as it will delaminate and damage the flooring.
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These tips are the best you can follow to clean your laminate flooring. Remember, it’s important to use the right cleaning method and the right cleaning product for this type of flooring. You can use the steam mop to clean the laminate floors from time to time, but not always.

Tips for Keeping the Laminate Flooring in Excellent Condition

Keeping the laminate flooring in excellent condition will make it look shiny and new, giving your room the best view for anyone looking at it. However, you can delaminate the floors, discolour them, damage them, or make them look dull if you neglect to keep them in the best condition. There are various methods to keep the laminate flooring in excellent condition.

Here are some tips for keeping the laminate flooring in excellent condition:

  • Use the hard floor attachment when you vacuum the laminate floors, as it is more suitable to clean the dirt and dust on the floor surface without damaging it.
  • Hard surface cleaner products are suitable cleaners you can use for laminate floors, but you need to spray it on the surface and wipe it as soon as possible when you use them.
  • Let no liquid stains on the floor surface for too long, as it can make the laminate flooring get wet and sometimes damaged.
  • Cover your laminate floors with carpets or area rugs to avoid regular wear and tear and keep them protected all the time.
  • Don’t put any heavy furniture above the laminate floors; it is better for you to cover it with a mat or carpet before putting any heavy furniture above the laminate floors.

Keep these maintenance tips in mind if you want to keep your laminate flooring in excellent condition and prevent daily wear and tear.


  • What is the best way to clean laminate flooring? For daily cleaning, it’s best to use a vacuum cleaner with a hard floor attachment to get rid of the dust and debris from your laminate floors. Also, it’s very important for you to clean any stains, such as liquid and oil stains, as soon as possible. You should also use a good cleaning product made for the laminate floors.
  • Can you use a Shark steam mop on the laminate floor? Yes, you can. But you have to exercise caution. It is even better if your Shark steam mop has the specific instructions for laminate floors. You just need to follow the instruction manual for laminate flooring and clean it that way. Otherwise, you need to use only the lowest temperature setting.
  • What is best to mop laminate floors with? The regular mop is the best tool you can use, but you need to use only a damp cloth to clean the floors. You must avoid using the steam mop too often, and even though you need to use it, you need to set it to the lowest temperature. Some steam mop models might also support the use of laminate floors, so you can use these steam mop models.
  • What floors can you use a steam mop on? You can use a steam mop on various types of floors, such as ceramic tiles, stone-based flooring, hardwood, and many others. The best way to know about it is to check the instruction manual about the supported floor surfaces for your steam mop. You can also use it for laminate flooring, although you need to be cautious when you use it on this type of flooring.
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So, you can use the steam mop on laminate floors under certain conditions, and you also need to follow certain precautions to use it. The reason is that laminate flooring can be very delicate, and you can damage the floors if you expose them to too much heat. Thus, you need to use the steam mop only when necessary.

It is always better for you to use the regular vacuum cleaner or broom for daily cleaning. Also, you need to use a damp cloth to clean any stains on it. You also need to look at the instruction for the steam mop to see if it’s suitable to use on the laminate floors because some steam mops support the use in laminate flooring. Happy cleaning!